Thursday, June 7, 2012

JSUFYF: The Creation Museum

My favo(u)rite newspaper, the Guardian, did a story on the Creation Museum. Here's a teaser:

'We don't have to be afraid of the real evidence' – Creation Museum

A trip to the Creation Museum seems like harmless fun until you see the eager schoolchildren streaming through its doors

I've talked to a number of theoretical physicists during my tour of America, and often the subject of parallel universes has come up. This week I actually got to visit one, when I spent a disorientating afternoon in Petersburg, Kentucky, at the Creation Museum
The Creation Museum bills itself as a natural history museum, but it's one from a world in which we are certain that God created the Earth and everything in it, roughly 6,000 years ago, and all in six days. Anything that looks older – fossilised dinosaur bones, multiple strata of sedimentary rock, signs of ancient water erosion and the moving of the continents – were all caused by one catastrophic event, the flood that Noah and his family so adroitly survived by building a massive floating menagerie.

There are zillions of links to this abomination on the Intertubes if you're curious.

And now for the rant:  If you, Ken Ham, are going to lie about something that has far more evidence for it (evolution) than creationism, what the f*** else are you lying about? Why should anyone trust you to be telling the truth about being saved, if you're going to lie about the evidence? I can look up in the sky and see celestial objects further away than the six- or eight-thousand years you claim the earth is. How did their light get here if (for example) the light from the Andromeda Galaxy took 2 million plus years to get here? OH, and don't give me some crap about the speed of light changing (no proof of that) or some idea that Gawd (not to be mistaken for God) just called the light into being in transit.

Ken, you make your gawd into a pissant, not worthy of worship. No thanks. Here's your Jesus Facepalm:

I have nothing to add to Ken Ham's colossal attempt to drag us back to 5000 BC. Even the early Church Fathers knew Genesis wasn't a literal account. *shakes head* Ken, you're making us the butt of jokes around the world. NO THANKS.

ETA:  There's a reason Ken Ham set up shop in the USA. He's originally from Australia, but they're smarter than this. So he had to come to the USA, where people are easily manipulated by men with "Rev." or "Brother" or "Father" in front of their names.

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