Wednesday, June 6, 2012

JSUFYF: Teenager spouting anti-gay rhetoric

Caiden Cowger is 14 years old and thinks he's really smart. He thinks he knows it all. And one thing he thinks he knows is that people choose to be gay. Yeah riiiiiight. People choose to be gay so they can be bashed by the so-called "good Christians," both verbally and physically. People choose to be gay so that they can have their civil rights stomped on because they're not heterosexual. People choose...hell no, GLBT people don't choose! I'm heterosexual and I don't remember when I chose to be straight. It is a part of who you are.

Caiden Cowger used to have a channel on YouTube, but his latest rant got so much negative attention he took it down (but here's the original link to a 404 page). However, like everything else that ends up on the Internet, his rant will live forever somewhere. Another YTer copied it and uploaded it....all four minutes and 35 seconds of spewing hate and vitriol.

Young Mr. Cowger is also being taken apart on his Facebook. I expect it to be locked down in 3...2....

People can believe what they want, but the moment their beliefs lead to harm to other people, that's when it absolutely has to stop. Kids have killed themselves because they were bullied over being gay or lesbian. Cowger mocks the "It Gets Better" campaign, but hells bells, does he not see the body count of kids who took their own lives because they heard over and over and over and over and over again how incredibly worthless they were because they were gay, how God hated them, how they were going to hell, etc. etc.? He probably hasn't faced it.

I was bullied in school, not because I was a lesbian, but because I was perceived as strange, weird, weak and powerless. I frankly hated middle school. I would not want a kid to go through that, yet this young man encourages hatred of his fellow human beings because they don't conform to his idea of sexuality. I'm so disgusted.

Jesus is quoted in the Synoptic Gospels as telling questioners to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 5:43, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27). In the Gospel of Luke, he told this to a teacher of the law, who responded: "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan, with the conclusion that the good Samaritan was the true neighbor, and not the priest and Levite who didn't bother to help the man who had been mugged on the road (Luke 10:30-37).

Here's a special image for Caiden. It's not a Jesus Facepalm.

But still, the cry goes up to Heaven:


(Hat tip to Think Progress.)

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